Saturday, February 7, 2009

Goodbye chicken fried steak...hello oatmeal!!

So the last few days before the challenge started, a little over a week back, I went out with my friend to "say goodbye" some of my favorite, yet probably most fatening foods, forever. Surprisingly, so far not eating all that bad stuff, and cutting my calorie intake by two thirds hasn't been all that hard yet, but I am sure its going to get harder before it gets easier. I still struggle with cravings mostly near bed time. Our personal trainer is great, although I think we should call him our personal painer!! After a workout with him every muscle group is screaming “Run! Run away and don't look back!” Next week, he is having all of us meet him at a local grocery store, so he can help us make better choices, and educate us on proper nutrition… yahoo! can't wait. J This week it has been tough to fit my workouts in along with work, family time, and training with Team in Training’s schedule. Somehow, with the support of my wife and family I've been able to keep it up. Ok, now I'm going to let you in on my top secret weapon. I got the idea from doctor Phil and my trustee bible. The Doc always tells people if they want to get rid of a bad habit or behavior, replace it with a good one. So when I get those cravings I just pray them away. Thank-you Lord!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Good new, good laughs, and plenty of excitement! Answered Prayers continued: I made it to phase 3!!

Ok, so I got the news from KDUV at the end of last week…and boy am I ready! When I was talking to LJ I said: “IT’S ON!!!!!,” and told him that he was talking to the winner! (I sure hope I didn’t blow his ear drums out :P ). He said he’d talked to the other contestants and warned me I had some formidable competition… again I shrieked “IT’S ON!!!”

I took some time over the weekend to check out everyone’s blogs, and what I found most surprising was that there were only two other men, aside from me, in this competition. I figured it would be more evenly split. From what I read my favorite was Shelly, from my Visalia team. She was tracking what she ate for the day and did a calorie count, and at the same time she had a great sense of humor I laughed when I read her “holy rusted metal batman!” comment. I am glad to have her on my team because I know her ability to be honest with herself and everyone else like that, and her comedic way of viewing things will help her go far. As I was reading blogs I noticed the mention of orientation rules…which I knew nothing about, so after contacting KDUV, we learned that the email had been sent to a different address …wherever it went, it didn’t get to me : O (Fiddle sticks, these rules I just got ruined my plan to wear baggy clothes and fill the pockets with sand bags….hmmm onto plan B eat a lot before weigh in…just kidding). SO! Its competition time, which means that my couch potato Haagen-daz-in-one-and-remote-in-the-other life is over …ITS ON!!!

I have jumped on the wagon before when six years ago I joined the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training, which is one of the world’s largest endurance sports training programs in the US . I joined, at the time, because I had just been diagnosed with diabetes and I knew I had to do something about my health. Today if you were to ask me why I am a part of Team, its not because of me, but because of my honorees- people living today with some kind of blood cancer- I train for them, to help them have a better quality of life, and to help doctors have the funding they need for life saving research. Helping others is why I kept coming back over the past six years, but as soon as the season ended, I would go right back to my old ways. Since I was training with the idea of helping others, when the season ended I found myself without a good reason to get out of bed early end exercise, or to say no to that great looking doughnut. But I really want this time to be different. I wanted the opportunity to work with a trainer and to learn employ the will power I know I have, in order to take care of my body and learn to be a healthier person. God has allowed me to have this opportunity, so I am not going to waste what he has given me during the competition or after.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Answered Prayers- Part two: KDUVFM challenge is getting started!

Last night I got the exciting news that I had made it to the second phase of the KDUV-fm In Shape Challenge in an email from Shannon Steele. Along with the email came the news that I had to get a letter from my doctor that said I could go on and compete, and then I realized the deadline was less than a day away! I was frantic, because after twenty years of going to the same family doctor who moved recently, our family was just beginning to settle with a new doctor. Just from my short time with our new doctor, experience had already taught me that I would have to wait for this busy man to respond to anything-- it took weeks to get in to see him, and prescriptions that I’d had for years took weeks just to refill, and now I needed him to write me a letter, and, he had less than a day’s response-time! It didn’t seem likely that this was going to happen.

Today, I called his office and told my story about this exciting challenge to his nurse and explained the letter and told her when I would need it by; she said would do what she could. At this point, though, I was beginning to feel the day slip away, and figured I was done and out of this challenge- a bummer to me, but I figured: “There’s always next time around.” My friend and his wife called attention to my mistrust in God, and reminded me of all that God has done for himself and his wife, and me throughout our relationship with Him. He told me I needed to pray, and rely on Him to take care of the situation, if it was His will.

So, I took some time to step aside from myself, and put my trust back in Him. I prayed about the situation, as did my friends and family…And who could have guessed what happened next?! Less than twenty minutes later I got a call from my doctor’s office--they had my letter ready! I was truly amazed at the whole situation, which only served to remind me who really is in charge, and where I need to leave my faith.

My motto this week! Phillipians 4:13-14 “For I can do everything with the help of Christ who gives me the strength I need. But even so, you have done well to share with me in my present difficulties.” This verse is a steadfast form of encouragement for me, especially when entering a challenge. I know I couldn’t even be where I am today without Christ, and I know that with his help,- whether it is a minni ‘can I get this on time?!’ crisis, or this entire competition- I know that I can rise up to this challenge as long as I remain in Him and rely on His strength to get me through. The second part of this verse is for everyone-those partaking in this challenge and every one else who is trying to reach a weight loss goal-I am excited to be able to share my journey as you are going through some of the same stuggles or disappointments, and joys of enduring the challenge of loosing weight.